A page about Kathrin Haug
Kathrin Haug
- has been working in the digital and innovation space for over 20 years
- founded several successful companies (infoMedia, Xtend New Media, mindwyse, dgroup) as a serial entrepreneur
- worked as Executive and Managing Director for Roland Berger Consulting and Deloitte
- is an expert on innovation and transformation processes
- is boardmember of the react-initiative.de - an associaton of leading executives, who work to strengthen the business location Germany/Europe
- Is heading the Committee for Innovation and Reasearch at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
- organizes and hosts international innovation events and digital experience tours
- is the author of many articles about innovation, transformation and digital development and co-author of the books "Web-Exzellenz im ecommerce" and "Digitalisierung des Handels mit ePace"
- Collaboration and Networking as a future success modelDigital Innovation has speeded up
Due to the rapid technological change, it has become impossible to innovate alone. Companies and Executives are lacking competences, insights and out-of-the-box thinking.
Many companies just digitize their existing business instead of renewing themselves and using the new ways of addressing customers, setting up organisations and innovating their company processes.
Young, flexible, fast entrepreneurs disrupt markets with new models, products and services -"your margin is my opportunity"
Therefore it has become necessary to build up a broad network of competences by new ways of collaboration.
- teamX.digital - the global brain for Digital innovationteamx.digital
Kathrin has founded teamX.digital to serve the market with a broad international network of experts.
Experienced entrepreneurs develop innovative ways to future business models for corporates in various industries.
The best industrial service providers from the leading consultancies, agencies and software developers work with international thoughtleaders and start-up entrepreneurs.
check out: www.teamX.digital
last but not leastI am lucky enough to realize my passions and dreams by working on innovative subjects with experts, thought leaders, executives from large corporates and entrepreneurs from all over the world.
As a guideline of my activities I follow the believe that everybody has to take responsibility and work in a value-based, sustainable and considerate way never loosing the focus on what really matters :-)
Angaben gem. § 5 TMG
Betreiber und Kontakt. Kathrin Haug
Holztwiete 8 A - 22605 Hamburg
Telefonnummer. + 49 15125323746
eMail. kathrin.haug@outlook.com
© 2023